Hi there! I’m sharing my personal journal with y’all here on the blog! This series is the gut healing protocol, something I have worked on to help address many of my own health issues that range from chronic to acute to just plain confusing and weird! Along the way I have heard so many people around me voice their health concerns too, so I wanted to add to this protocol and make it something everyone could use and heal from. If what I feel or what I’m going through can help even one person, for that, I am truly grateful. So here we go!
I, like most people, put everything else in front of putting myself first. This past year I saw it all catch up to me…again. Ever since I was a child, I’ve dealt with gut issues. As I got older, symptoms got varied and they got worse. Fast forward to my late 20’s, early 30’s. My stomach aches, constipation, gas, and bloating has now turned into systemic swelling, skin irritation, sensitivities to more foods and increased allergies. I was asked to leave class because my cough was disrupting class! Mortifying but absolutely valid. Going through Chiropractic school and learning the functional aspect of health and wellness but more so nutrition, I learned how foods we eat affect every aspect of our function-inside and out. With this knowledge, I knew what I had to do but I was never mentally prepared to do it. It was never the right time. What I learned is, it never is the right time…for anything! Just do it…don’t think, just do. It will change your world for the better! So! In 2019, I visited my friend from chiropractic school and we talked about all of my gut related issues and their various manifestations…as we have done for years…but this time I was ready to make this change, ready to heal. I was feeling everything from every IBS symptom to inflammation to allergies, sinus infections, hives, lethargy, fatigue, super high anxiety and everything that it brings about and just overall exhaustion from it all. I spilled all the tea, as the cool kids say, about everything I was experiencing and just hearing myself explain it all was overwhelming. Like how am I this severe, how could all this be happening to one person…all at once!!! It is insane to hear it but trust me, I’ve explained this to people before and their reactions are beyond baffled. I sounded like an ‘exaggerator’ and a drama queen. Don’t get me wrong, I am a total drama queen…but this was beyond real. So! With all that said, we put our brains together and I started this journey on healing my gut so that I can heal the rest of my body. It wasn’t easy but it was SO worth it. An intense elimination diet, combined with supplements and positive thinking had me truly feeling and wholly understanding what healing and healthy felt like. Making modifications as I went along, I learned what I could and couldn’t eat and thus I continued working on healing. Then the pandemic happened. The uncertainty and fear I felt had me hunker down and at least keep my healing at a constant…all up until mid-summer. I basically fell off the wagon. I would intermittently get on track and then go off course…it went on until the end of 2022. That’s when I decided I needed to get back on and make this lifestyle stick. So! Starting in 2023, I picked the gut healing protocol back up. This time, equipped with more knowledge and understanding of my mind and my body and what it needs to be sustained and continuously healing. Come along with me on this gut healing journey, the good the bad and the ugly! I’m unedited and unfiltered by nature, so you’re going to hear(read) it all!
Week ONE!
Oh man y’all! This is rough! I want coffee, Dr. Pepper, pizza, french fries, and donuts; basically, everything that kills your gut! And your brain! These were always treat/cheat meals (aka my weakness) and not something I would have every week, but I’m craving them like the world is ending! Aside from the cravings, my mental health is in the grouchy state but its ok because I know its temporary and will get better. I keep things visible to me, like sour candies and chocolates, because I think it makes me stronger. Like looking adversity in the face and saying not today satan! I let myself think of everything I want, and even whine about it for a second, then I flip the script and tell myself all the good this will do and all the healing that’s happening. I will say, while I feel less inflamed, I am feeling tired. My sleep patterns have been weird everyday and I’ve had the weirdest dreams! I blame the cucumbers. IYKYK! I had a mild headache the first two days but other than that, I have not felt any other typical detox symptoms like nausea, body aches, and such. I actually felt the opposite, I literally felt light and loose, like the ‘stuckness’ and bloat the inflammation was causing had started to dissipate. It was visibly apparent, too, by day 2 and 3! My goal is to walk every day, nothing too intense, just keep it simple and easy. Keeping in mind, Rome wasn’t built in a day and I am building myself a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for joining me on this wild ride, feel free to reach out if this is something you might want to try or if you have any questions! See y’all next week for open journal time!
*** THIS protocol will be rolled out in the office soon so stay tuned! ***
A few things you need to know:
-This protocol has a foundation and phases. Every body and everybody is different and all lifestyles are different. I customize and modify based on each patient. The goal is to create a new healthy and healing lifestyle and sustain it! A forever lifestyle, if you will. So, with that said, know this starts out intense, the right mindset is a must, but it gets easier...and I’m always here if you want talk it out!
-Planning and journaling is a life saver. Making a grocery list and meal prepping makes the whole process seamless and it does wonders for our mental health! Start and end your day with journaling everything you’re grateful and thankful for, all the feels of day, what you want to accomplish tomorrow, brain dump here!
-Positive thinking goes a long way! Catch yourself and stop yourself if you hear yourself say ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t like’. Negativity won’t find me in 2023!
Week two…and three!!!
Week two: right off the bat, I still crave pizza! I went from not liking pizza to all of a sudden it being my number one! So bizarre! Mid life crisis or change in tastebuds? Or bread obsessed? Who knows! Maybe all of the above! Anyway, the few veggies I can tolerate are getting redundant. It’s almost easier to chomp on carrots and celery than to eat another green veggie! But we power through! I got so used to being off the wagon, that trying to jump back on is a bigger struggle than I thought it would be. I find myself planning and prepping more just to stay on point, stay focused if you will. The need for coffee and something fizzy is still going strong, but I keep reminding myself that its only four weeks of intenseness and I can do it! Just focus on the amazing changes and how good you feel and that in its self is motivation to keep going!
Week three: I feel restored and stronger in my reserve. Don’t get me wrong…I still want pizza!! I don’t crave much else, which I am so thankful for! We did have a trip planned this weekend and tried to stay on track as much as possible. Again, life throws your curves, you bob, weave, and swerve! We did have gluten and dairy, but minimal amounts, tried to stay as close to anti inflammatory as possible. I did notice a heavier feeling, bloat, and tummy aches. Saturday morning, we ran to the nearest juice shop and got us a delicious juice to start the day! …but also, low key balance out the food we were yet to consume! Monday came and we’re back on track! Just in case you’re wondering who this ‘we’ is, its my sister and I! Strength in numbers, y’all! Also, if you want to read about her journey, just let me know! She is doing amazing considering cheese and coffee are her most favorite things on earth! I’m so proud of her! You can see the good this protocol is already doing for her and its so amazing to share this experience with her! ***proud sister moment!!!***
See y’all later for week FOUR!!!!
Week 4 + 5
Oh man! It has been a crazy couple of weeks! …still want pizza all day, everyday! I think it’s just part of my DNA at this point!
Anywho! Week four, y’all!! This week went by fast, I did some outdoor walking so my allergies were being fussy. Other than that, I stayed on course, mainly knowing Super Bowl Sunday was going to be our first true treat meal and I was living for that moment! I have to be reminded to take my morning supplements because I’m always running out the door. I also prioritize puppy snuggles, so there’s that! This week on auto pilot and prepping my gut for Taco Bell (major obsession!) was key. Week five came and went, Super Bowl Sunday treat meal was kind of a let down. I’ve come to the conclusion that when you’re cooking all your meals and following the protocol, eating out ends up disappointing you and makes you feel terrible. The bloat and level of uncomfortability just isn’t worth it. I ended up with a tummy ache so I took extra enzymes and probiotics and walked on the treadmill. Evening walks are great for digestion and help reduce that full, heavy feeling. This particular exercise is also really great for insulin resistance, pcos, and other metabolic issues. So…pro tip: up your supplements and walk! You’ll feel better in the am!
See y’all for week six!!!!!! Halfway there!
Week 6
Y’all!!!! It’s Galentine’s week! You know for sure us gals went out for pizza!!!! Finally!!!!!! It was delicious, I missed it so much I thought I was going to cry! I didn’t! I was strong! It wasn’t Detroit style, it felt actually healthy haha! The funny thing I’ve noticed these past couple of weeks is, I get so excited for treat meals because they truly make my soul happy, but this is no longer the case. The detoxification and removal of inflammation has made function better and feel better, to the point that my tastebuds are super sensitive now. I can taste things more intensely which has me pointing out all the weird flavors and substitute ingredients a lot more than usual, leaving me unimpressed with my treat meals, womp womp. I no longer have that excitement or cravings which is great because that pizza was holding me captive…and the chocolate donut with sprinkles! Where food was a social construct for me, what I planned my day around, is now just a meal to heal and go on about your day. Comfort and friend-dinners are now super healthy…super boring, not going to lie!, but I don’t feel suffocated in my own skin after so that alone tells you something! On the real, do I complain? yes! all day!!! everyday!!! Am I grateful to be on this protocol? also yes, because the alternative was a bunch of looming health issues that would take a lot more work to heal from. Do I still want chocolate donuts with sprinkles and pizza? yes! who wouldn’t! but I know once i’ve completed this protocol, it will be there waiting for me on treat days. I’ll be fine….I WILL BE FINE. just keep repeating that be that’s a manifestation to help you through these 12 weeks, y’all!
The biggest take away thus far for me, non inflammatory, REAL FOODS, heal your gut and your brain, teaching you what you put in is what you put out in function and feeling. The concept and the thought process behind healing is becoming more evident, more tangible, as the protocol continues. Your body has its own ability to heal, just give it the right tools. It’s hard work, it’s long and redundant, might make you grumpy, might make you cry….but its worth it…you are worth it!
Weeks 7-12
Oh man!!!!! It has been a crazy few weeks! We have had birthdays and weddings and family events and alllll the things! Don’t worry! I survived! …and so did my gut!!! Thank God!!! In these few weeks, I have seen and felt alll the things come together! I have experienced different ways of taking my supplements in terms of combinations, times, amounts…because it’s all specific to our own bodies and how it functions. I have been eating right, getting nature time in, me time, meditation time, workout time, all the things! I have also had my fair share of treat meals and have modified my protocol and supplements accordingly! Life is going to keep life-ing, we need to be able to keep up and I truly believe I have done just that! It has definitely been a crazy journey, an informative one, and educational one, a life changing one! If you go back to week one, you’ll read all about the struggle…mainly the mental aspect of this lifestyle change. I spent a lot of time comparing the first time I did this protocol to this current time…when I finally realized there is no comparison because I am not the same person I was when I did this first, I finally let go of that mind hold it had me in. Shedding that was a huge stress reliever and I could finally put that energy into healing that much deeper and that much more. Also, just incase you were wondering….I don’t crave pizza and donuts everyday anymore! Hahaha! I have learned to enjoy them in moderation, modify my supplements accordingly and also combat that with better food choices that day/week and also slow and low exercises. Y’all! I did it!!! I fought, I cried, I survived! Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, I feel better…..and I’m back to enjoying things I couldn’t fully enjoy before! That’s the goal, mission accomplished!
Thank you for joining me on my person health + wellness journey! I hope sharing my protocol journey with you helped shed some light on something you might be struggling with or concerned with. If you have any questions, you can always email me, I’m forever happy to help!
I hope to hear from you when you’re ready to jumpstart your health + wellness! Let’s get healing, together!